Monday, November 29, 2010

Here it Comes!

I'm still waiting for my girlfriend to get home from work so we can watch this together (I'm under strict orders on this one, she'll be very upset if I break and view it before she gets home) but I thought I'd share my excitement on here! A brand new teaser trailer for HBO's new adaptation of grim fantasy epic 'A Game of Thrones' (mentioned in one of my first posts on blogspot) aired last night in America, prior to the finale of 'Boardwalk Empire'.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Not Even a Sporting Chance

So there will no longer be a national P.E. scheme. The Education Secretary Michael Gove has announced that the £162m budget for school sports will no longer be set aside, instead allowing school headteachers to decide how best to spend on P.E. Basically, it's screwed.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

An Update on Work, Money...and Loafing

It's been a little quiet here on my end. Mainly because the last few weeks have consisted of the same activities - working and loafing.